• Libellé inconnu,
  • Recherche - LLS,

conférence / Luca Illetterati, Elena Nardelli, Università di Padova

Publié le 28 novembre 2023 Mis à jour le 24 janvier 2025

Philosophy as Translation & Translation as Philosophy


le 24 janvier 2025

salle CRPM 114
La conférence pourra être suivie également à distance : https://meet.google.com/qfp-okff-wqn

Bâtiment Ida Maier (V)

Can philosophy do without translation? How can philosophy question translation and from the perspective of translation? How does translation intervene in the relationship between philosophical research and its history? What does translation tell us about language in general and on the specificity of philosophical language? What effects of subjectivity does translation produce? What images of otherness does translation return to us? And what are the resources of a philosophical practice that coincide with translation?
In this workshop, we will propose a conceptual framework and specific research lines for the philosophy of translation. Furthermore, we will present the newborn Research Center for the Philosophy of Translation (PHILTRA) based at the University of Padova and discuss further forms of partnership with the CRPM.

Discussants / Jon Solomon, Lucia Quaquarelli

Mis à jour le 24 janvier 2025