La professeure Luisa Corazza (Università del Molise) sera invitée recherche du CRPM du 3 au 11 mars 2025.
Luisa Corazza is full professor of Labour Law at the University of Molise, where she currently directs the Research Centre for Inner Areas and Appennines (ArIA, Centro di Ricerche sulle Aree interne e gli Appennini). Since 2015, she is the Special Advisor for social affairs of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella.
After obtaining her PhD at the University of Bologna in 1998, she has been visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley (2000-2001) and worked as research fellow at the University of Trento (2001-2003) and Bologna (2004-2006). She is author of four books, edited four volumes, and published several articles in national and international journals (in Italian, English, German, Spanish and French language).
Hélène Buzelin enseigne au département de linguistique et de traduction de l’Université de Montréal. Ses travaux, empruntant une démarche sociologique et ethnographique, portent sur la traduction en contexte éditorial. Après avoir documenté la genèse de traductions littéraires, elle a étudié le processus d’attribution des subventions à l’intraduction du CNL, puis s’est penchée sur la traduction des ouvrages destinés à l’enseignement supérieur. Les résultats de ses recherches sont publiés, entre autres, dans les revues Meta, Target, TTR, The Translator, Translation Studies, Translation in Society. Elle est l’auteure de Sur le terrain de la traduction (Gref, 2005), a codirigé avec Alexis Nouss Traduction et conscience sociale. Autour de la pensée de Daniel Simeoni (TTR 26/2, 2013) et, avec Marie-Alice Belle, Matérialités de la traduction (TTR 33/2, 2020). Elle a été co-titulaire avec Isabelle Collombat d’une chaire croisée Paris 3/UdeM (2019-2022) et membre du groupe de recherche « Les Fabriques de la traduction » du CRPM de l’université Paris Nanterre.
La professeure Remzje Istrefi, de la Faculty of Law of the University of Prishtina, sera invitée recherche du CRPM pour le mois de novembre.
Remzje Istrefi is a Judge at the Constitutional Court of Kosovo and Associated Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Prishtina.
She holds a L.L.M from University of Notre Dame, S.B, USA, Law School, and a PhD where she researched: “The Responsibility of International Organizations for Human Rights Violation – Kosovo Case”.
In 2008, Remzije Istrefi was awarded the Fulbright Scholarship at Duke University, North Carolina (US). She is Hague Academy for International Law Alumni; she is an Honorary Fellow at the Law School and Social Justice, Liverpool University, UK.
From 2014, Remzije Istrefi has conducted research in the field of transitional justice (post-doctoral studies) at the International Law Institute of the University “Karl Frances Universitat” in Graz, Austria. In February 2018, Remzije Istrefi established “Center for Transitional Justice” within the University of Pristina. Currently she is researching in the field of constitutionalism and transitional justice.
2022 invit invit
Le professeur Prasannanshu, de la National Law University (Delhi) sera invité recherche du CRPM pour le mois d'octobre 2022.
LL.B., M.A. (Linguistics, D.U.), M.A. (Gen. Linguistics, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands), M.A. (Eng.), M.Sc. (Univ. of Potsdam, Germany), M.Phil. (D.U.), Ph.D. (D.U.). Professor, National Law University, Sector 14, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078. Director, Centre for Linguistic Justice and Endangered Languages, NLUD. Project Coordinator of 'Study and Research towards Preservation and Promotion of Indigenous and Endangered Languages'. Member of the Publication Committee of the Linguistic Society of India (2018-20). Visiting Professor, Université Paris Nanterre, France; Visiting Professor, Università Del Piemonte Orientale (UPO), Italy; Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Edinburgh, UK. British Academy Visiting Scholar. Areas of Interest: Endangered Languages, Law, Jurisprudence, Law and Culture, Law and Language, Law and Literature, Law and Poetry, Communication Skills, Linguistics, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Clinical Linguistics, Anthropological Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics. Has been associated with: University of Delhi (India), IASH, University of Edinburgh (UK), American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS), MAIT (GGSIPU, Delhi), Skyline University College, Sharjah (U.A.E.), Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training, Parliament of India, LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, AIIMS, ICAI, and several others.
Personal Website:
2021 Giulio Iacoli, professeur en Littératures Comparées et Théorie Littéraire de l'Università di Parma, était invité recherche du CRPM du 9 septembre au 10 octobre 2021.
Giulio Iacoli is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Parma, where he presently gives courses in Literary Theory, Sociology of Literature, and Contemporary Literature and Arts. The author of five books on literary geographies, space and literary theory, and contemporary Italian literature and cinema (among which La percezione narrativa dello spazio. Teorie e rappresentazioni contemporanee, 2008; A verdi lettere. Idee e stili del paesaggio letterario, 2016), he has edited Piani sul mondo. Le mappe nell’immaginazione letteraria (in collaboration with M. Guglielmi, 2012), Discipline del paesaggio (2012), a collection of interdisciplinary approaches to landscape in the field of Humanities, and, more recently, Traverser. Mobilité spatiale, espaces, déplacements (with A. Frenay and L. Quaquarelli, 2019), and Archiletture. Forma e narrazione tra architettura e letteratura (in collaboration with A. Borsari and M. Cassani Simonetti, 2019). He is the coordinator (with F. Bertoni) of the peer-reviewed series “Sagittario” (Cesati, Firenze), devoted to studies in literary theory and geography.